Benefits of Clove


Scientific name :  syzygium aromaticm

      Family.         :  Myrtle family

        It is small fliwer- sized which arises from clove tree and it is among the main spices of India. It enhances the taste and aroma of the food and it is also used as an Ayurvedic ingredient.

         Clove nutrition value of 100gm      

     Sidium                 :     277mg
    Potassium.          :   1020mg
   Carbohydrates.    :   66gm
  Protein.                 :   6 gm
  Vitamin A.            :   3 %
  Calcium.               :   63%
  Iron                      :    65%
  Fibre                    :    34 gm

                      Uses of clove 

1.   Tooth ache :  Clove is used to reduce  the inflammation in the gums and reduces pain quickly. It also prevent the risk of infection. Take little clove oil in a piece of cotton n rup it on the region of pain it spite of it make powder of 2 clove and along with olive oil can be rubbed at the region of pain

 2.   Reduce the foul smell of mouth : foul smell of mouth can be prevented by using clove. Bacteria which produces foul smell can be killed by using clove and it also keep our neat and clean. Put 1-2 cloves and chew it, it will  stop the smell coming out of the mouth.

3.   Make digestion system healthier :  The properties present in clove prevent stomachache , acidity , gas , voimt , diarrhea etc.. can be prevented by using cloves. For this clove can be used after meals or as species in the meals.

4.   Reduce joint pain : Clove oil prevent joint pain and muscle pain and also prevents other body pains. It has high presence of calcium, Omega-3-acid, and iron which makes it effective in making our bones and joints much stronger. 

5. Headache : Migraine, headache due to cold and stress can be decreased quickly by using clove. Take few drops of clove oil in cloth and tissue paper and apply it on the effected region

6. Earpain : Earpain and ear infection can be cured by using clove oil, for this clove and sesame oil should be mixed in proper proportion and wet the cotton with oil and apply it in ears, it will reduce the pain.

7. Prevents Pimples : Clove prevents pimples, blackheads, marks n spots. It's use also prevents skin infection.

8. Reduces stress level : Clove's aroma makes our mind to feel relaxed n light and reduces stress level or you can use clove in tea to your stress level

9. Feeling of Nausea n Vomiting : The smell of cloves prevents feeling of Nausea, vomiting, fearfulness, etc.,. Sprinkle some drops of drops clove oil in a clean handkerchief and whenever you feel nausea and about to vomit then, smell it occasionally or you can chew 1-2 cloves at times. To stop vomiting powder of cloves along with one teaspoon of honey should be consumed or in 1 glass of hot water along with few drops of clove oil and drink it slowly.

                   SIDE - EFFECTS OF CLOVE :

1 . Excessive use of clove can led to bleeding.

2. Excessive use of clove decreases sugar level of blood.

3. Large consumption of it can led to gethering of toxic substances in our body and also leds to allergy.
          Clove and it's oil has many benefits but if we will not use it wisely them it can cause many allergies so use it wisely and in a proper amount.



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